Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact Us

ALBION SC Merced Business Office Line:

P: (209) 754-8059


Home Facilities

ALBION SC Merced Office
1033 W. Main Street
Merced, CA 95340


McNamara Park has been a home for Merced Soccer Academy for almost 6 years and most of our games and practices take place in there. McNamara Park has 2 turf fields and one grass field, lights, and bathrooms. We also practices and play in Merced High School and Golden Valley. Our tournaments take place at McNamara Park and Merced College's soccer fields.

Merced Soccer Academy Parent/ Youth Center is located at 640 T St, and it is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We offer many programs such as class training for our athletes, game reviews, Cafecito, Fuerte, and VIPER. We are proud to be partnered up MCOE to host Caring Kids and Kaleidoscope, Merced Adult School to provide ESL and Citizenship Classes, and the Mexican Consulate with Consulado Sobre Ruedas and much more!

We are proud to say that Merced Soccer Academy Parent/ Youth Center services all ages, from toddlers to seniors!